By Haoyang Li (hl2425) , Yuhao Lu (yl3539) , Yue Wang (yw2359) , Yue Zhao (yz2697)

Please draft a meal using foods provided by the menu and check the nutrition facts of this meal (per 100-gram) and look for the state where this meal can be most easily composed.

To select a food, just drag an icon from the menu and place it onto the plate. If you want to remove it, just drag it out of the plate and it will get pulled back to the original place. You can mouse over each data dot on the radar chart to inspect the exact equivalent value of corresponding nutrition components for the meal you drafted. You can also mouse over each tick of the legend to highlight data dots that fall into the corresponding value range.


A production-by-state distribution "map" of America is shown below. You can mouseover data dots to inspect state names. For any selected food that the state has a good portion of its total production, the state "grows" by a unit. Find the largest state, it produces all components of your meal!

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